Saturday, November 21, 2009

One step closer

Second to last day of my captains
course today with sea tech marine training. I've been at it about a
month now.. It's been going well, learning alot! I'll be a licensed merchant marine officer to
100 US gross tons. Hopefully in march I'll upgrade
to 200 ton. Spent most my day doing that.. 9-6. Took a shower
at the marinas bathrooms. You don't want to be in there longer than you have to.. It's
cold and very outdated and pretty dirty. Oh well it's a
good reason to get my fresh water tanks cleaned out and working. I think im going to need a new hot water tank. I havnt had much time at all to work on the important things. Between work and class I've been beat. I've been roughing it
for awhile now.. It's not terriable but not comfortable. The boats great and perfect for what I want to do I just need to get all the systems up and running. Heat is another issue, right now I've got 3 heaters running. A west marine cabin heater
in the galley and a Eden pure in the salon that don let me borrow, then a oil heater in the skippers
quaters. It actually keeps the boat warm. I've only turned it down but it's going to be getting colder soon and I need to wire the two 240v 13600 btu wallmouts I bought.

Enough for tonight it's 1045 and im in my extreamly uncomfortable bed typing this on my iPhone. I need a new matress ($450) and the rest of my winter cover ($700) just one problem, I lost the lat/long for my money tree.


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